Our student leaders play a significant role in shaping the learning environment of our schools. During the term we started a leadership programme across our schools to help our student leaders, whether formally appointed as Prefects or natural born influencers, an opportunity to identify their unique strengths to affect positive change for themselves and their peers.
Over a day, 24 of our College Prefects organised a structured teambuilding programme and engaged in dialogues with our Year 8 students at the Boys’ School, and another three days with our Preschool children through interactive arts, science and music activities.
The inaugural leadership week was hugely successful, giving our College Prefects the opportunity to demonstrate practical leadership skills, reflect on their leadership practice and apply it. For participating students, it was an opportunity for leadership and character development through mentorship and self-discovery exercises.
We look forward to continuing these cross-schools collaboration, including an engagement with students at our Girls School in early Term 2.