Issue 2 | April 2022
Old Collegians

Old Collegian Jamie France
Class of 1995
Production Director, Rocket Lab

Peyton Leigh – Princeton bound

For Peyton, a typical day as a Year 13 student at Saint Kentigern started as early as 6am with 8-10km run before rushing for classes. Immediately after school, she went straight to the gym for a couple of hours of strength training, and then back home to complete her homework and revision before bed.

Her discipline, perseverance and years of hard work has surely paid off, with a scholarship to pursue her tertiary education at the prestigious Princeton University in the US this year.

Our 2021 College graduate, Peyton is an accomplished student who undertook the International Baccalaureate (IB) pathway in her final year of study while keeping a busy schedule training and competing in numerous local and regional competitions.

Speaking fondly of her time at Saint Kentigern, Peyton shared her gratitude for the supportive environment, both from her peers and teaching staff, in helping her stay on top of her studies and the demands of her intensive training.

She said, “In both academic and sports, the College has provided me with opportunities like no other, in another tough Covid year. I was fortunate to have teachers on hand to guide me through one-on-one sessions, ensuring I kept pace with my learning throughout the year, and providing ongoing counsel in areas that I needed help in such as the Theory of Knowledge essay. I was also delighted to be given the opportunity to run for the school as part of the schools’ Premier Track and Field team in individual and team events such as the duathlon.”

Peyton is looking forward to attending Princeton in a couple of months. Princeton is renowned for its athletics programme, with Brad Hunt as the women’s cross country and track and field coach, complemented by the rigour of its academic programme with flexibility for senior thesis to be completed in the senior year.

Sharing her long-term aspirations, Peyton would like to pursue a career that combines her passion for making a positive impact on climate change and the environment and her fascination for space exploration. She would also like to take her competitive running to the next level and hope to someday make the New Zealand team for track and field.

We wish Peyton all the best in her journey ahead. Keep up the pace and finish strong!

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  • 6 MAY 2022 Boys’ School Celtic Day
  • 6 MAY College Cross Country
  • 10, 11 & 12 MAY Girls’ School syndicate visit to new school on Shore Road
  • 15 MAY (7PM) College Chalmers House Chapel
  • 16 MAY College Prefects Commissioning
  • 17 MAY College Parent & Friends Social & Info evening
  • 15 MAY Girls’ School ‘Open School’ for families of existing students
  • 18 MAY College Campus Tour
  • 22 MAY (7PM) College Hamilton House Chapel
  • 23, 30 MAY & 13 JUNE Boys’ School Mother and Son event
  • 25 MAY College Foodbank
  • 29 MAY (7PM) College Cargill House Chapel
  • 8 JUNE Move to new Girls’ School on Shore Road
  • 7 JUNE College Chamber Showcase
  • 10 JUNE College Rock Showcase
  • 12 JUNE College Choral Showcase
  • 12 JUNE (7PM) College Wilson House Chapel
  • 15 JUNE College Campus Tour
  • 18 JUNE Boys’ School Quiz Night
  • 19 JUNE (7PM) College Stark House Chapel
  • 29 JUNE College Campus Tour
  • 29 JUNE Girls’ School and Boys’ School Cross Country
  • 29 JUNE College Middle School Music Evening
  • 3 JULY (7PM) College Wishart House Chapel
  • 5 JULY (7PM) College House Music
  • 7 & 8 JULY College Dance Showcase
