Issue 2 | April 2022

Quiz Page

Did you know?

1. St Kentigern’s nick name is St Mungo. What does Mungo mean?
2. How many original school Houses were there?
3. Who was the first Headmaster of Saint Kentigern?
4. Saint Kentigern is celebrating its ___ anniversary this year.
5. What does our motto Fides Servanda Est mean?
Of late, news regarding the level of competency in mathematics and literacy among children in New Zealand...
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Do not let the circumstances of life, e.g. Covid determine how you react and act.  At the College this...
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As I was walking around our new Girls’ School at Shore Road during a recent visit, I paused to admire...
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As this issue of Piper Online goes ‘live’, the Term 1 school holidays will be coming to close. Easter...
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Welcome to 2022. This year we are looking forward to getting back to normal in both school life as well...
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The majority of our children were away for five months over last year’s lockdown. Together with the subsequent...
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For our Year 7 and Year 8 boys, the first day back to school this year was extra special. It was the...
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Our 2022 Boys’ School prefects were commissioned at a special service held in front of our brand new...
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From time to time we all reflect on the people outside our family who played an influential role in our...
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Last year we established the Saint Kentigern Distinguished Alumni Awards to recognise Old Collegians...
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  • 6 MAY 2022 Boys’ School Celtic Day
  • 6 MAY College Cross Country
  • 10, 11 & 12 MAY Girls’ School syndicate visit to new school on Shore Road
  • 15 MAY (7PM) College Chalmers House Chapel
  • 16 MAY College Prefects Commissioning
  • 17 MAY College Parent & Friends Social & Info evening
  • 15 MAY Girls’ School ‘Open School’ for families of existing students
  • 18 MAY College Campus Tour
  • 22 MAY (7PM) College Hamilton House Chapel
  • 23, 30 MAY & 13 JUNE Boys’ School Mother and Son event
  • 25 MAY College Foodbank
  • 29 MAY (7PM) College Cargill House Chapel
  • 8 JUNE Move to new Girls’ School on Shore Road
  • 7 JUNE College Chamber Showcase
  • 10 JUNE College Rock Showcase
  • 12 JUNE College Choral Showcase
  • 12 JUNE (7PM) College Wilson House Chapel
  • 15 JUNE College Campus Tour
  • 18 JUNE Boys’ School Quiz Night
  • 19 JUNE (7PM) College Stark House Chapel
  • 29 JUNE College Campus Tour
  • 29 JUNE Girls’ School and Boys’ School Cross Country
  • 29 JUNE College Middle School Music Evening
  • 3 JULY (7PM) College Wishart House Chapel
  • 5 JULY (7PM) College House Music
  • 7 & 8 JULY College Dance Showcase
