Issue 2 | April 2022

Shed filled with more than 8,000 food items

On a sunny Autumn morning last week, our College students arrived in school with something extra in hand other than their usual school bags and lunchboxes. It was our Term 2 Foodbank and we were fortunate to have our students and their families contribute non-perishable food items and ration which will subsequently be packed by our team and distributed by social workers to families in need as part of The Shed initiative.

Elliott Quad was abuzz as students emptied their bags and boxes of contribution, while House leaders and representatives arranged the items and prepared them for transport and storage at The Shed. Items collected will go towards our ongoing effort to put together 65 boxes of food and essential items each week valued at around $80 per box, facilitated by a group of staff, students and volunteers.

By the time the bell rang, all tables in Elliott Quad were filled with bags of rice, canned beans and tomatoes, boxes of Weet-Bix, pasta, toothpaste and much more. It is heartening to see our students embracing our mission statement of ‘strive for excellence in all areas of life for the glory of God and the service of others.’

We are pleased to share that the total items collected in this collection drive was 8,168, up by more than 1,000 from our Term 1 collection. Our Saint Kentigern families have always been very generous in supporting our call for support, and we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to students and families for helping us make Term 2 Foodbank a success.

As for the House champion, it was Cargill again who collected the highest points based on items collected. Congratulations for retaining the title for a second term.

Thank you to our talented Year 13 musicians Samuel Voyle and Tommy David who filled the air with amazing tunes during the collection drive.

For parents and guardians who would like to help with ‘The Shed’ initiative, please contact Natalie Stephenson


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  • 6 MAY 2022 Boys’ School Celtic Day
  • 6 MAY College Cross Country
  • 10, 11 & 12 MAY Girls’ School syndicate visit to new school on Shore Road
  • 15 MAY (7PM) College Chalmers House Chapel
  • 16 MAY College Prefects Commissioning
  • 17 MAY College Parent & Friends Social & Info evening
  • 15 MAY Girls’ School ‘Open School’ for families of existing students
  • 18 MAY College Campus Tour
  • 22 MAY (7PM) College Hamilton House Chapel
  • 23, 30 MAY & 13 JUNE Boys’ School Mother and Son event
  • 25 MAY College Foodbank
  • 29 MAY (7PM) College Cargill House Chapel
  • 8 JUNE Move to new Girls’ School on Shore Road
  • 7 JUNE College Chamber Showcase
  • 10 JUNE College Rock Showcase
  • 12 JUNE College Choral Showcase
  • 12 JUNE (7PM) College Wilson House Chapel
  • 15 JUNE College Campus Tour
  • 18 JUNE Boys’ School Quiz Night
  • 19 JUNE (7PM) College Stark House Chapel
  • 29 JUNE College Campus Tour
  • 29 JUNE Girls’ School and Boys’ School Cross Country
  • 29 JUNE College Middle School Music Evening
  • 3 JULY (7PM) College Wishart House Chapel
  • 5 JULY (7PM) College House Music
  • 7 & 8 JULY College Dance Showcase
